

  1. Kerwin Zeming Kwek, Genevieve Llanora, Kaiyun Quek, Chin Ren Goh, Nicholas Ng, Jongyoon Han, and Kee Thai Yeo, “Whole blood biophysical immune profiling of newborn infants correlates with immune responses,” Pediatric Research, accepted for publication (2025)
  2. Hyungkook Jeon and Jongyoon Han, “Microfluidics with Machine Learning for Biophysical Characterization of Cells,” Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry, 18, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-anchem-061622-025021 (2025) link 
  3. Xiaolin Wu, Joshua Jebaraj Raymond, Yaoping Liu, Alexander Jeremias Odematt, Wei-Xiang Sin, Denise Bei Lin Teo, Meenubharathi Natarajan, Inn Chuan Ng, Michael E. Birnbaum, Timothy K. Lu, Jongyoon Han, Stacy L. Springs, Hanry Yu, “Rapid Universal Detection of High-Risk and Low-Abundance Microbial Contaminations in CAR-T Cell Therapy,” Small Methods, accepted for publication (2025)


  1. Jerome Tan, Jiahui Chen, Daniel Roxby, Wai Hon Chooi, Tan Dai Nguyen, Shi Yan Ng, Jongyoon Han, Sing Yian Chew, “Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry to Evaluate the Safety and Quality of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Spinal Cord Progenitor Cells,” Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 15, 465 (2024)  link
  2. Hans Gaensbauer, Do Hyun Park, Alexander Bevacqua, Jongyoon Han, “Contact Free On-Line Monitoring of Bioreactor Cell Cultures with Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry,” Analytical Chemistry, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.4c04042 (2024)  link
  3. Eric Wynne, Junghyo Yoon, Dohyun Park, Mingyang Cui, Caitlin Morris, Jaeweon Lee, Zhao Wang, Seongkyu Yoon, Jongyoon Han, “Regeneration of spent culture media for sustainable and continuous mAb production via ion concentration polarization,” Biotechnology and Bioprocessing, accepted for publication, DOI:10.1002/bit.28888 (2024)  link
  4. Meiqi Kang, Yanmeng Yang, Haifeng Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Yingnan Wu, Vinitha Denslin, Rashidah Binte Othman, Zheng Yang, Jongyoon Han, “Comparative analysis on serum and serum-free medium cultured mesenchymal stem cells for cartilage repair,” International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(19), 10627 (2024)   link
  5. Ching Ann Tee, Daniel Ninio Roxby, Rashidah Othman, Vinitha Denslin, Kiseer Sideeq Bhat, Zheng Yang, Jongyoon Han, Lisa Tucker-Kellogg, and Laurie A. Boyer, “Metabolic modulation to improve MSC expansion and therapeutic potential for articular cartilage repair,” Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 15, 308 (2024)   link
  6. Yaoping Liu, Joshua J. Raymond, Xiaolin Wu, Patrina Wei Lin Chua, Sharon Yan Han Ling, Chia Ching Chan, Cheryl Chan, Joanne Xin Yi Loh, Melody Xing Yen Song, Matilda Yu Yan Ong, Peiying Ho, Megan E. Mcbee, Stacy L. Springs, Hanry Yu, and Jongyoon Han, “Electrostatic Microfiltration (EM) Enriches and Recovers Viable Microorganisms at Low-abundance in Large-volume Samples and Enhances Downstream Detection,” Lab on a Chip, DOI: 10.1039/D4LC00419A (2024)  link
  7. Ri Lu, Yanshan Ang, Ka-Wai Cheung, Kai Yun Quek, Wei-Xiang Sin, Elizabeth Lee, Shir Lynn Lim, Lin-γue Lanry Yung, Michael Birnbaum, Jongyoon Han, Lih Feng Cheow, Kerwin Kwek Zeming, “iSECRETE: Integrating Microfluidics and DNA Proximity Amplification for Synchronous Single-Cell Activation and IFN-γ Secretion Profiling,” Advanced Science, 11(40), 2309920 (2024)  link
  8. Hyungkook Jeon, Junghyo Yoon, and Jongyoon Han, “Membrane-Free Microplastic Removal Based on a Multiplexed Spiral Inertial Microfluidic System.” Separation and Purification Technology, 354(5), 129113 (2025)  link
  9. Hyungkook Jeon, Caleb R. Perez, Taeyoon Kyung, Michael E. Birnbaum, and Jongyoon Han, “Separation of Activated T Cells Using Multidimensional Double Spiral (MDDS) Inertial Microfluidics for High-Efficiency CAR T Cell Manufacturing,”Analytical Chemistry, 96(26), 10780–10790 (2024) link
  10. Linwei He, Jerome Tan, Shi Yan Ng, King Ho Holden Li, Jongyoon Han, Sing Yian Chew, Han Wei Hou, “Label-Free Impedance Analysis of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Spinal Cord Progenitor Cells for Rapid Safety and Efficacy Profiling,” Advanced Materials Technologies, 9(20), 2400589 (2024)  link
  11. Tan Dai Nguyen, Wai Hon Chooi, Hyungkook Jeon, Jiahui Chen, Jerome Tan, Daniel N Roxby, Cheryl Yi-Pin Lee, Shi-Yan Ng, Sing Yian Chew, Jongyoon Han, “Label-Free and High-Throughput Removal of Residual Undifferentiated Cells From iPSC-Derived Spinal Cord Progenitor Cells,” Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 13(4), 387–398 (2024) link, also featured in MIT news
  12. Zheng Yang, Yingnan Wu, Shu Hui Neo, Dahou Yang, Hyungkook Jeon, Ching Ann Tee, Vinitha Denslin, Daryl Jimian Lin, Eng Hin Lee, Laurie A Boyer, Jongyoon Han, “Size-Based Microfluidic-Enriched Mesenchymal Stem Cell Subpopulations Enhance Articular Cartilage Repair,” American Journal of Sports Medicine, 52(2), 503-515 (2024) link


  1. Taehong Kwon, Hyungkook Jeon, Jean-François P. Hamel, and Jongyoon Han, “Removal of cell clusters from CHO suspension cultures based on large-particle trapping effect in spiral inertial microfluidics,” Separation and Purification Technology, 329, 125162 (2023) link
  2. Mathew T. Flavin, Jenifer Fernandes, Rawan AlQabandi, Eric Adams, Jongyoon Han, and Bader Al-Anzi, “Numerical modeling of plunging jets of brine: mass transport and implications for desalination plant outfalls,” Desalination, 568, 116996 (2023) link
  3. Kwan Zen Nicholas Tan, Kerwin Zeming Kwek, Teo Kim Leng, Mavis Loberas, Jialing Lee, Chin Ren Goh, Da Hou Yang, Steve Oh, James Hui, Simon McKenzie Cool, Han Wei Hou and Jongyoon Han, “Scalable Mesenchymal Stem Cells Enrichment from Bone Marrow Aspirate using Deterministic Lateral Displacement (DLD) Microfluidics Sorting,” Lab on a Chip, 23, 4313-4323 (2023) link
  4. Ching Ann Tee, Jongyoon Han, Hoi Po James Hui, Eng Hin Lee, and Zheng Yang, “Perspective in achieving stratified articular cartilage repair using zonal chondrocytes,” Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews 29(3), 310-330 (2023)  link
  5. Zhumei Rohskopf, Taehong Kwon, Sung Hee Ko, Dragana Bozinovski, Hyungkook Jeon, Naresh Mohan, Stacy Springs, Jongyoon Han, “Continuous online titer monitoring in CHO cell culture supernatant using herringbone nanofluidic filter array,” Analytical Chemistry, 95(39), 14608–14615 (2023) link
  6. Sung Hee Ko, Pyeong Jun Park, and Jongyoon Han, “Continuous-flow macromolecular sieving in slanted nanofilter array: stochastic model and coupling effect of electrostatic and steric hindrance,” Lab on a Chip, 23, 4422-4433 (2023) link
  7. Smitha Surendran Thamarath, Ching Ann Tee, Shu Hui Neo, Dahou Yang, Rashidah Othman, Laurie A. Boyer, Jongyoon Han, “Rapid and Live-cell Detection of Senescence in Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Micro Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry,” Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 12(5), 266–280 (2023) link
  8. NamBeng Tay, HiongYap Gan, Frederico Barbosa de Sousa, Lu Shen, Diego Figueiredo Nóbrega, Chenhui Peng, LaTonya Kilpatrick-Liverman, Wei Wang, Stacey Lavender, Shira Pilch, and Jongyoon Han, “Improved mineralization of dental enamel by electrokinetic delivery of F- and Ca2+ ions,” Scientific Reports, 13, 516 (2023)  link


  1. Hyuckjin J. Kwon, Sungyong Ban, Sang J. Lee, Frederico B. de Sousa, Jongyoon Han, “Enhancing Electrokinetic Transport on the Enamel Surface of Tooth using Multiscale-Pore Membranes,” Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9(32), 2201284 (2022)  link
  2. Yue Chen, Qiong Zhan, Jian Zhang, Wei Wang, Bee Luan Khoo, Zhen Liu, Siqi Wei, Junxin Niu, Jun Xu, Chia-Chen Yu, Xiumei Hu, Yanhui Liu, Jongyoon Han, Shuwen Liu, Lihong Liu, “Accurate prediction of drug-induced heterogeneous response of red cell in vivo using a gravity-driven flow cytometry based on a microfluidic chip,” Analytica Chimica Acta, 1221, 340151 (2022)  link
  3. Matthew T. Flavin, Charles A. Lissandrello, Jongyoon Han, “Real-time, dynamic monitoring of selectively driven ion-concentration polarization,” Electrochimica Acta, 426, 140770 (2022)  link
  4. Matthew T. Flavin, Marek A. Paul, Alexander S. Lim, Charles A. Lissandrello, Robert Ajemian, Samuel J. Lin, and Jongyoon Han, “Electrochemical modulation enhances the selectivity of peripheral neurostimulation in vivo,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(23), e2117764119 (2022)   link
  5. Ching Ann Tee, Zheng Yang, Yingnan Wu, Xiafei Ren, Maciej Baranski, Daryl Jimian Lin, Afizah Hassan, Jongyoon Han, Eng Hin Lee, “A Pre-Clinical Animal Study for Zonal Articular Cartilage Regeneration Using Stratified Implantation of Microcarrier Expanded Zonal Chondrocytes,” Cartilage, 13(2),  doi:10.1177/19476035221093063 (2022) link
  6. Junghyo Yoon, Hyukjin J. Kwon, SungKu Kang, Eric Brack, Jongyoon Han, “Portable Seawater Desalination System for Generating Drinkable Water in Remote Locations,” Environmental Science & Technology, 56(10), 6733–6743 (2022)  link

    Reported in MIT News, “From seawater to drinking water, with the push of a button”
    Other Press Articles: Fortune, Daily Beast, IEEE Spectrum, Physics Today, Yahoo Finance, The Independent, VICE, Institute of Mechanical Engineers, The Times, and many others Winner of the 2022 MIT 100k Launch Competition
  7. Hyungkook Jeon, Maoyu Wei, Xiwei Huang, Jiangfan Yao, Went Han, Renjie Wang, Xuefeng Xu, Jin Chen, Lingling Sun, Jongyoon Han, “Rapid and Label-Free Classification of Blood Leukocytes for Immune State Monitoring,” Analytical Chemistry, 94(16), 6394-6402  (2022) link
  8. Hyungkook Jeon, Claudia Cremers, Doris Le, Justin Abell, Jongyoon Han, “Multi-dimensional-double-spiral (MDDS) inertial microfluidic platform for sperm isolation directly from the raw semen sample,” Scientific Reports, 12, 4212 (2022) link
  9. Hyungkook Jeon, Taehong Kwon, Junghyo Yoon, Jongyoon Han, “Engineering deformation-free plastic spiral inertial microfluidic system for CHO cell clarification in biomanufacturing,” Lab on a Chip, 22, 272 – 285 (2022) link  Correction: Lab on a Chip, 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3LC90038J


  1. Xiwei Huang, Hyungkook Jeon, Jixuan Liu, Jiangfan Yao, Maoyu Wei, Went Han, Jin Chen, Lingling Sun, Jongyoon Han, “Deep-Learning Based Label-Free Classification of Activated and Inactivated Neutrophils for Rapid Immune State Monitoring,” Sensors, 21, 8360 (2021) link
  2. Alex Christopher Barksdale, Junghyo Yoon, Hyukjin J. Kwon, Jongyoon Han, “Refinement of brine for lithium extraction using ion concentration polarization,” Separation and Purification Technology, 282,B, 120055 (2021) link
  3. Aoli Xiong, Simran Kausahl, Ian Junjie Tay, Bevin P. Engelward, Jongyoon Han, Peter R. Preiser, “MalariaCometChip for high-throughput quantification of DNA damage in Plasmodium falciparum,” Protocol, 2(3), 100797 (2021) link
  4. Taehong Kwon, Kyungyong Choi, Jongyoon Han, “Separation of Ultra-High Density Cell Suspension via Elasto-Inertial Microfluidics,” Small, 17(39), 2101880, (2021) link
  5. Hyungkook Jeon, Do-Hyun Lee, Bakr Juni, Mayra Pinilla-Vera, Rebecca M. Baron, Bruce D. Levy, Joel Voldman, Jongyoon Han, “Fully Automated, Sample-to-Answer Leukocyte Functional Assessment Platform for Continuous Sepsis Monitoring via Microliters of Blood,” ACS Sensors, 6, 2747 (2021) link
  6. Bakr Juni, Do-Hyun Lee, Hyungkook Jeon, Melody G. Duvall, Julie Nijmeh, Raja-Elie E. Abdunour, Mayra Pinilla-Vera, Rebecca M. Baron, Jongyoon Han, Joel Voldman, Bruce D. Levy, “Inflammation resolution circuits are uncoupled in acute sepsis and correlate with clinical severity,” JCI Insight, 6(15),e148866, (2021) link
  7. Zhuoming Liu, Rudell Screven, Debbie Yu, Lynne Boxer, Michael Meyers, Jongyoon Han, Laxminarayana Devireddy, “Microfluidic separation of canine adipose-derived mesenchymal Stromal cells,” Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, 27(8), 10.1089/ten.tec.2021.0082 (2021) link
  8. Junghyo Yoon, Matthew T. Flavin, Jongyoon Han, “Current efficiency and selectivity reduction caused by co-ion leakage in electromembrane processes,” Water Research, 201, 117351, (2021) link
  9. Ishita Shrivastava, E. Eric Adams, Bader Al-Anzi, Aaron C. Chow, Jongyoon Han, “Confined plunging liquid jets for dilution of brine from desalination plants,” Processes, 9(5), 856, (2021) link
  10. Kerwin Kwek Zeming, Ri Lu, Kai Lee Woo, Guoyun Sun, Kai Yun Quek, Lih Feng Chow, Chia-Hung Chen, Jongyoon Han, Shir Lynn Lim, “Multiplexed Single-Cell Leukocyte Enzymatic Secretion Profiling from Whole Blood Reveals Patient-Specific Immune Signature,” Analytical Chemistry, 93, 10, 4374-4382, (2021) link
  11. Jiafei Jiang, Jing Tang, Bader Al-Anzi, Jongyoon Han, Zirui Li, “On the Validity of Ion Selective Membrane Simplification in Concentration Polarization,” AIP Advances, 11, 035116, (2021) link
  12. Kerwin Kwek Zeming, Rohan Vernekar, Mui Teng Chua, Kai Yun Quek, Greg Sutton, Timm Kruger, Win Sen Kuan, Jongyoon Han, “Label-Free Biophysical Markers from Whole Blood Microfluidic Immune Profiling Reveal Sever Immune Response Signatures,” Small, 17, 2006123 (2021) link SMART researchers develop 15-minute immune-profiling assay by MIT News New Assay Quickly Profiles Patient Immune Response In The Emergency Room by Diagnostics World <Interview>
  13. Matthew T. Flavin, Marek A. Paul, Alexander S. Lim, Senan Abdulhamed, Charles A. Lissandrello, Robert Ajemian, Samuel J. Lin, Jongyoon Han, “Rapid and Low Cost Manufacturing of Cuff Electrodes,” Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15, 628778 (2021) link
  14. Lu Yin, Wen Yip Au, Chia Chen Yu, Taehong Kwon, Zhangxing Lai, Menglin Shang, Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani, Roger Rosche, Chwee Teck Lim, Jongyoon Han, “Miniature auto-perfusion bioreactor system with spiral microfluidic cell retention device,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 118, 1951-1961 (2021) link
  15. Menglin Shang, Su Bin Lim, Kuan Jiang, Yoon-sim Yap, Bee Luan Khoo, Jongyoon Han, Chwee Teck Lim, “Microfluidic studies of hydrostatic pressure-enhanced doxorubicin resistance in human breast cancer cells,” Lab on a Chip, 21, 746-754 (2021) link
  16. Menglin Shang, Taehong Kwon, Jean-Francois P. Hamel, Chwee Teck Lim, Bee Luan Khoo, Jongyoon Han, “Investigating the influence of physiologically relevant hydrostatic pressure on CHO cell batch culture,” Scientific Reports, 11, 162 (2021) link


  1. Weng Kung Peng, Lan Chen, Bernhard Boehm, Jongyoon Han, Tze Ping Loh, “Molecular Phenotyping of Oxidative Stress in Diabetes Mellitus with Point-of-care NMR system,” Aging and Mechanisms of Disease, 6, 11, (2020) link
  2. Hyungkook Jeon, Bakr Jundi, Kyungyong Choi, Hyunryul Ryu, Bruce D. Levy, Geunbae Lim, Jongyoon Han, “Fully-automated and field-deployable blood leukocytes separation platform using multi-dimensional double spiral (MDDS) inertial microfluidics,” Lab on a Chip, 20, 3612-3624, (2020) link
  3. Aoli Xiong, Prem Prakash, Xiaohong Gao, Marvin Chew, Ian Jun Jie Tay, Charles J. Woodrow, Bevin P. Engelward, Jongyoon Han, Peter R. Preiser, “K13-Mediated Reduced Susceptibility to Artemisinin in Plasmodium falciparum is Overlaid on a Trait of Enhanced DNA Damage Repair,” Cell Reports, 32, 107996 (2020) link
  4. Say Yong Ng, Kai Xun Ong, Smitha Thamarath Surendran, Ameya Sinha, Joey Jia Hui Jia, Jacqueline Chen, Jiaqi Liang, Leona Kwan Sing Tay, Liang Cui, Hooi Linn Loo, Peiying Ho, Jongyoon Han, Wilfried Moreira, “Hydrogen sulfide sensitizes Acinetobacter baumannii to killing by antibiotics,” 11, 1875 Frontiers in Microbiology, (2020) link
  5. Citsabehsan Devendran, Kyungyong Choi, Jongyoon Han, Ye Ai, Adrian Neild, David J. Collins, “Diffraction-based acoustic manipulation in microchannels enables continuous particle and bacteria focusing,” Lab on a Chip, (2020) link
  6. Kerwin Kwek Zeming, Yuko Sato, Lu Yin, Nai-Jia Huang, Lan Hiong Wong, Hooi Linn Loo, Ying Bena Lim, Chwee Teck Lim, Jianzhu Chen, Per R. Preiser, Jongyoon Han, “Microfluidic Label-free Bioprocessing of Human Reticulocytes from Erythroid Culture,” Lab on a Chip, 20, 3445-3460, (2020) link  SMART researchers develop fast and efficeint method to produce red blood cells by MIT News Simple methods speed up purification of lab-grown blood cells by C&EN <Interview>
  7. Bader Al-Anzi, Sumaya Al-Hammadi, Junghyo Yoon, Jongyoon Han, “Techno-economic analysis of multi-stage ion concentration polarization with recirculation for treatment of oil produced water,” Journal of Environmental Management, 269, 110788 (2020) link
  8. Lu Shen, Frederico Barbosa de Sousa, NamBeng Tay, Teo Siew Lang, Vivian Lin Kaixin, Jongyoon Han, LaTonya Kilpatrick-Liverman, Wei Wang, Stacey Lavender, Shira Pilch, HiongYap Gan, “Deformation behavior of normal human enamel: A study by nanoindentation,” Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 108, 103799, (2020) link
  9. Wei Ouyang, Jongyoon Han, “One-Step Nucleic Acid Purification and Noise-Resistant Polymerase Chain Reaction by Electrokinetic Concentration for Ultralow-Abundance Nucleic Acid Detection,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 59, 27, 10981-10988, (2020) link
  10. Mahnoush Tayebi, Richard O’Rorke, Him Cheng Wong, Hong Yee Low, Jongyoon Hon, David J. Collins, Ye Ai, “Massively Multiplexed Submicron Particle Patterning in Acoustically Driven Oscillating Nanocavities,” Small, 16, 17, 2000462 (2020) link
  11. Taehong Kwon, Sung Hee Ko, Jean-Francois Hamel, Jongyoon Han, “Continuous Online Protein Quality Monitoring during Perfusion Culture Production Using an Integrated Micro/Nanofluidic System,” Analytical Chemistry, 92, 7, 5267-5275 (2020) link
  12. Lu Yin, Zheng Yang, Yingan Wu Vinitha Denslin, Chia Chen Yu, Ching Ann Tee, Chwee Teck Lim, Jongyoon Han, Eng Hin Lee, “Label-free separation of mesenchymal stem cell subpopulations with distinct differentiation potencies and paracrine effects,” Biomaterials, 240, 119881 (2020) link
  13. Jing Tang, Lingyan Gong, Jiafei Jiang, Zirui Li, and Jongyoon Han, “Numerical simulation of electrokinetic desalination using microporous permselective membranes,” Desalination, 447, 114262 (2020) link


  1. Bakr Jundi, Hyunryul Ryu, Do-Hyun Lee, Raja-Elie E. Abdulnour, Braden D. Engstrom, Melody G. Duvall, Angelica Higuera, Mayra Pinilla-Vera, Maura E. Benson, Jaemyon Lee, Nandini Krishnamoorthy, Rebecca M. Baron, Jongyoon Han, Joel Voldman & Bruce D. Levy, “Leukocyte function assessed via serial microlitre sampling of peripheral blood from sepsis patients correlates with disease severity,” Nature Biomedical Engineering, 3, 961-973, (2019)    link Assaying Leukocyte Hallmarks During Sepsis by Nature Biomedical Engineering News & Views
  2. Le Ngo, Norah Owiti, Carol Swartz, John Winters, Yang Su, Jing Ge, Aoli Xiong, Jongyoon Han, Leslie Recio, Leona Samson, and Bevin Engelward, “Sensitive CometChip Assay for Screening Potentially Carcinogenic DNA Adducts by Trapping DNA Repair Intermediates,” Nucleic Acid Research, 48, 3, e13, (2019)   link Screen could offer better safety tests for new chemicals by MIT News
  3. Bee Luan Khoo, Menglin Shang, Chin Hin Ng, Chwee Teck Lim, Wee Joo Chng, and Jonghoon Han, “Liquid Biopsy for Minimal Residual Disease Detection in Leukemia Using a Portable Blast Cell Biochip,” npj Precision Oncology3, 30 (2019)   link
  4. David J. Collins, Richard O’Rorke, Adrian Neild, Jongyoon Han, and Ye Ai, “Acoustic fields and microfluidic patterning around embedded micro-structures subject to surface acoustic waves,” Soft Matter, 15, 8691-8705(2019)   link
  5. Chenhui Peng, Sohyun Park, Frederico Barbosa de Sousa, HiongYap Gan, Sang J. Lee, Wei Wang, Stacey Lavender, Shira Pilch, and Jongyoon Han, “Enhanced teeth whitening by nanofluidic transport of hydrogen peroxide into enamel with electrokinetic flows,” Dental Materials, 11, 1637-1643(2019) link
  6. Ching Ann Tee, Zheng Yang, Lu Yin, Yingnan Wu, Jongyoon Han, and Eng Hin Lee, ” Improved zonal chondrocyte production protocol integrating size-based inertial spiral microchannel separation and dynamic microcarrier culture for clinical application,” Biomaterials, 220, 119409(2019)   link
  7. Wei Ouyang, and Jongyoon Han, “Universal amplification-free molecular diagnostics by billion-fold hierarchical nanofluidic concentration,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 116(33),16240-16249(2019)   link MIT Researchers Developing Amplification-Free ‘Massively Parallel’ Microfluidic Testing Platform by GenomeWeb/360Dx (accessible by logging in with institutional email)
  8. Junghyo Yoon, Vu Q. Do, Van-Sang Pham, and Jongyoon Han, “Return flow ion concentration polarization desalination: A new way to enhance electromembrane desalination,” Water Research, 159, 501-510 (2019)   link
  9. Roby P. Bhattacharyya, Mark Walker, Rich Boykin, Sophie S. Son, Jamin Liu, Austin C. Hachey, Peijun Ma, Lidan Wu, Kyungyong Choi, Kaelyn C. Cummins, Maura Benson, Jennifer Skerry, Hyunryul Ryu, Sharon Y. Wong, Marcia B. Goldberg, Jongyoon Han, Virginia M. Pierce, Lisa A. Cosimi, Noam Shoresh, Jonathan Livny, Joseph Beechem, and Deborah T. Hung , “Rapid identification and phylogenetic classification of diverse bacterial pathogens in a multiplexed hybridization assay targeting ribosomal RNA,” Scientific Reports, 9, 4516 (2019)   link
  10. Dahou Yang, Ying Zhou, Yinning Zhou, Jongyoon Han, and Ye Ai, “Biophysical Phenotyping of Single Cells Using a Differential Multiconstriction Microfluidic Device with Self-Aligned 3D Electrodes,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 133, 16-23 (2019) link
  11. Siwon Choi, Bumjoo Kim, Kishor G Nayar, Junghyo Yoon, Sumaya Alhammadi, John H Lienhard, Jongyoon Han, and Bader Al-Anzi, “Techno-economic Analysis of Ion Concentration Polarization Desalination for High Salinity Desalination Applications,” Water Research, 155, 162-174 (2019)   link
  12. Smitha Thamarath Surendran, Aoli Xiong, Po-Han Lin, Peter Preiser, and Jongyoon Han, “Enhancing the sensitivity of micro magnetic resonance relaxometry detection of low parasitemia Plasmodium falciparum in human blood,” Scientific Reports, 9, 255 (2019) link
  13. Bee Luan Khoo, Gianluca Grenci, Joey Sze Yun Lim, Yan Ping Lim, July Fong, Wei Hseun Yap, Su Bin Lim, Song Lin Chua, Siew Cheng Wong, Yoon Sim Yap, Soo-Chin Lee, Chwee Teck Lim and Jongyoon Han, “Low-Dose Anti-inflammatory Combinatorial Therapy Reduced Cancer Stem Cell Formation in Patient-derived Preclinical Models for Tumor Relapse Prevention,” British Journal of Cancer, 120, 407-423 (2019)   link
  14. Lingyan Gong, Zirui Li, and Jongyoon Han, “Numerical simulation of continuous extraction of highly concentrated Li+ from high Mg2+/Li+ ratio brines in an ion concentration polarization-based microfluidic system,” Separation and Purification Technology, 217, 174-182 (2019)   link
  15. Junxin Niu, Xiumei Hu, Wei Ouyang, Yue Chen, Shuwen Liu, Jongyoon Han, and Lihong Liu, “Femtomolar Detection of Lipopolysaccharide in Injectables and Serum Samples Using Aptamer-Coupled Reduced Graphene Oxide in a Continuous Injection-Electrostacking Biochip,” Analytical Chemistry, 91, 2360-2367 (2019)   link
  16. Menglin Shang, Ren Hao Soon, Chwee Teck Lim, Bee Luan Khoo, and Jongyoon Han, “Functionalizing the Tumor Microenvironment with Microfluidics for Anti-cancer Drug Development,” Lab on a Chip, 19, 369-386 (2019) link
  17. Chenhui Peng, Frederico Barbosa de Sousa, Hiong Yap Gan, Hyukjin (Jean) Kwon, Sohyun (Stephanie) Park, LaTonya Kilpatrick-Liverman, Wei Wang, Stacey Lavender, Shira Pilch, and Jongyoon Han, “Enhanced Delivery of F-, Ca2+, K+ and Na+ ions into Enamel by Electrokinetic Flows,” Journal of Dental Research, 98(4), 430-436(2019)   link
  18. M. T. Flavin, D. K. Freeman, J. Han, “Interfacial ion transfer and current limiting in neutral-carrier ion-selective membranes: A detailed numerical model,” Journal of Membrane Science, 572, 374-381 (2019)   link


  1. Wei Ouyang, Zirui Li, and Jongyoon Han, “Pressure-Modulated Selective Electrokinetic Trapping for Direct Enrichment, Purification, and Detection of Nucleic Acids in Human Serum,” Analytical Chemistry, 90, 11366-11375 (2018)   link
  2. Taehong Kwon, Rujie Yao, Jean-François P. Hamel and Jongyoon Han, “Continuous Removal of Small Nonviable Suspended Mammalian Cells and Debris from Bioreactors Using Inertial Microfluidics,” Lab on a Chip, 18, 2826 – 2837  (2018) link
  3. Violetta V Gil, Marina A Andreeva, Laura Jansezian, Jongyoon Han, Natalia D Pismenskaya, Victor Nikonenko, Christian Larchet and Lasaad Dammak, “Impact of heterogeneous cation-exchange membrane surface modification on chronopotentiometric and current-voltage characteristics in NaCl, CaCl2 and MgCl2 solution,” Electrochimica Acta, 281, 472-485 (2018)  link
  4. Hyunryul Ryu, Kyungyong Choi, Yanyan Qu, Taehong Kwon, Janet S. Lee and Jongyoon Han, “Label-free Neutrophil Enrichment from Patient-derived Airway Secretion Using Closed-loop Inertial Microfluidics,” Journal of Visualized Experiments, 136, e57673, DOI:10.3791/57673  (2018) link
  5. Rhokyun Kwak and Jongyoon Han, “Half-Cell Ion Concentration Polarization on Nafion-Coated Electrode,” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9(11), 2991-2999  (2018) link
  6. Wei Ouyang, Xinghui Ye, Zirui Li and Jongyoon Han, “Deciphering Ion Concentration Polarization-Based Electrokinetic Molecular Concentration at the Micro-Nanofluidic Interface: Theoretical Limits and Scaling Laws,” Nanoscale, 10, 15187 – 15194 (2018)   link (featured as inside front cover)
  7. Lingyan Gong, Wei Ouyang, Zirui Li and Jongyoon Han, “Direct numerical simulation of continuous lithium extraction from high Mg2+/Li+ ratio brines using microfluidic channels with ion concentration polarization,” Journal of Membrane Science, 556, 34-41 (2018). link 
  8. Hyukjin J. Kwon, Bumjoo Kim, Geunbae Lim and Jongyoon Han, “Multiscale-pore ion exchange membrane for better energy efficiency,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6, 7714-7723  (2018). link 
  9. Kyungyong Choi,  Hyunryul Ryu,  Katherine J. Siddle,  Anne Piantadosi, Lisa Freimark, Daniel J. Park, Pardis Sabeti and Jongyoon Han, “Negative Selection by Spiral Inertial Microfluidics Improves Viral Recovery and Sequencing from Blood,” Analytical Chemistry, 90(7), 4657-4662 (2018). link 
  10. Lu Yin, Yingnan Wu, Zheng Yang, Vinitha Denslin, Xiafei Ren, Ching Ann Tee, Zhangxing Lai, Chwee Teck Lim, Jongyoon Han and Eng Hin Lee, “Characterization and application of size-sorted zonal chondrocytes for articular cartilage regeneration,” Biomaterials, 165, 66-78 (2018). link
  11. Lu Yin*, Yingnan Wu*,  Zheng Yang, Ching Ann Tee, Vinitha Denslin, Zhangxing Lai, Chwee Teck Lim, Eng Hin Lee and  Jongyoon Han, “Microfluidic label-free selection of mesenchymal stem cell subpopulation during culture expansion extends the chondrogenic potential in vitro,” Lab on a Chip, 18, 878 – 889. (*: equally contributed authors) (2018). link
  12. David J. Collins, Richard O’Rorke, Citsabehsan Devendran, Zhichao Ma, Jongyoon Han, Adrian Neild and Ye Ai, “Self-aligned acoustofluidic particle focusing and patterning in microfluidic channels from channel based acoustic waveguides,” Physical Review Letters, 120, 074502 (2018). link (This paper has been highlighted by the editors as an Editors’ Suggestion and featured in the news and commentary.)
  13. Yanyan Qu, Tolani Olonisakin, William Bain, Jill Zupetic, Rebecca Brown, Mei Hulver, Zeyu Xiong, Jesus Tejero, Robert M.Q. Shanks, Jennifer M. Bomberger, Vaughn S. Cooper, Michael E. Zegans, Hyunryul Ryu, Jongyoon Han, Joseph Pilewski, Anuradha Ray, Zhenyu Cheng, Prabir Ray, and Janet S. Lee, “Thrombospondin-1 protects against pathogen-induced lung injury by limiting extracellular matrix proteolysis,”  JCI Insight, 3(3), e96914 (2018).   link
  14. Samuel Sofela, Sarah Sahloul, Mehdi Rafeie, Taehong Kwon, Jongyoon Han, Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani and Yong-Ak Song, “High-throughput sorting of eggs for synchronization of C. elegans in a microfluidic spiral chip,” Lab on a Chip, 18, 679-687 (2018).   link
  15. Ying Zhou*, Dahou Yang*, Yinning Zhou, Bee Luan Khoo, Jongyoon Han, Ye Ai, “Characterizing Deformability and Electrical Impedance of Cancer Cells in a Microfluidic Device,” Analytical Chemistry, 90, 912-919 (2018). link
  16. Minseok Kim, Lidan Wu, Bumjoo Kim, Deborah T. Hung and Jongyoon Han, “Continuous and High-Throughput Electromechanical Lysis of Bacterial Pathogens Using Ion Concentration Polarization,” Analytical Chemistry, 90(1), 872-880 (2018)  link
  17. Bee Luan Khoo, Gianluca Grenci, Ying Bena Lim, Soo Chin Lee, Jongyoon Han and Chwee Teck Lim, “Expansion of patient-derived circulating tumorcells from liquid biopsies using a CTC microfluidic culture device,” Nature Protocols, 13, 34–58 (2018) link


  1. Lingyan Gong*, Wei Ouyang*, Zirui Li, and Jongyoon Han, “Force fields of charged particles in micro-nanofluidic preconcentration systems,” AIP Advances 7, 125020 (2017). (*: equally contributed authors)  link
  2. Zirui Li, Wei Liu, Lingyan Gong, Yudan Zhu, Yuantong Gu and Jongyoon Han, “Accurate Multi-physics Numerical Analysis of Particle Preconcentration Based on Ion Concentration Polarization,” International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 9(8),1750107 (2017)  link  Paper Tutorial
  3. Wei Ouyang, Jongyoon Han and Wei Wang, “Enabling Electrical Biomolecular Detection in High Ionic Concentrations and Enhancement of Detection Limit Thereof by Coupling Nanofluidic Crystal with Reconfigurable Ion Concentration Polarization,” Lab on a Chip, 17, 3772 – 3784 (2017).   link (featured as outside front cover)
  4. Taehong Kwon, Holly Prentice, Jonas De Oliveira, Nyasha Madziva, Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani, Jean-François P. Hamel and Jongyoon Han, “Microfluidic Cell Retention Device for Perfusion of Mammalian Suspension Culture, ” Scientific Reports, 7, 6703 (2017)   link
  5. Wei Ouyang, Jongyoon Han and Wei Wang, “Nanofluidic Crystal: Nanofluidics in Close-Packed Nanoparticle Array,” Lab on a Chip, 17, 3006-3025  (2017).   link   (selected as top 10% paper by the Editor)
  6. Sung Hee Ko, Divya Chandra, Wei Ouyang, Taehong Kwon, Pankaj Karande, and Jongyoon Han, “Nanouidic device for continuous multiparameter quality assurance of biologics,” Nature Nanotechnology, 12, 804–812 (2017).    link

    This paper was featured in the front page of MIT (05/23/2017). Speeding up quality control for biologics by MIT News Also covered by EurekAlert!,, ScienceNewsline, Latest Technology, Unfox News, medGadget, Xtalks, BioPortfolio, Medical Design Technology and the Medicine Maker.

  7. Siwon Choi, Bumjoo Kim, Jongyoon Han, “Integrated Pretreatment and Desalination by Electrocoagulation (EC) – Ion Concentration Polarization (ICP) Hybrid, Lab on a Chip, 17, 2076-2084, 17, 2076-2084(2017).   link  (selected as LOC Hot paper / top 10%)
  8. Hyunryul Ryu, Kyungyong Choi, Yanyan Qu, Taehong Kwon, Janet Lee, Jongyoon Han, “Patient-derived Airway Secretion Dissociation Technique to Isolate and Concentrate Immune cells using Closed-loop Inertial Microfluidics,” Analytical Chemistry, 89(10), pp 5549–5556 (2017)   link
  9. David J. Collins, Bee Luan Khoo, Zhichao Ma, Andreas Winkler, Robert Weser, Hagen Schmidt, Jongyoon Han, and Ye Ai, “Selective particle and cell capture in a continuous flow using micro-vortex acoustic streaming,” Lab on a Chip, 17, 1769-1777 (2017).   link
  10. Rou Jun Toh, Carmen C. Mayorga-Martínez, Jongyoon Han, Zdenek Sofer, Martin Pumera, “Group 6 Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides in Lab-on-a-Chip Devices: 1T-Phase WS2 for Microfluidics Non-Enzymatic Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide,” Analytical Chemistry, 89, 4978-4985 (2017).   link
  11. Bumjoo Kim, Hyukjin Kwon, Sung Hee Ko, Geunbae Lim, and Jongyoon Han, “Partial desalination of hypersaline brine by lab-scale ion concentration polarization device,” Desalination, 412, 20–31 (2017)   link
  12. Dahai Zheng, Boon-Seng Soh, Lu Yin, Guangan Hu, Qingfeng Chen, Hyungwon Choi, Jongyoon Han, Vincent T. K. Chow and Jianzhu Chen, “Differentiation of Club Cells to Alveolar Epithelial Cells In Vitro,” Scientific Reports, 7, 41661 (2017)   link
  13. Rhokyun Kwak, Van Sang Pham, and Jongyoon Han, “Sheltering the perturbed vortical layer of electroconvection under shear flow,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 813, 799-823 (2017)   link
  14. David J. Collins, Zhichao Ma, Jongyoon Han and Ye Ai, “Continuous micro-vortex-based nanoparticle manipulation via focused surface acoustic waves,” Lab on a Chip, 17, 91-103 (2017)  link
  15. Shawn M. Davidson, Oliver Jonas, Mark A. Keibler, Han Wei Hou, Alba Luengo, Jared R. Mayers, Jeffrey Wyckoff, Amanda Del Rosario, Matthew Whitman, Christopher R. Chin, Kendall J. Condon, Alex Lammers, Katherine A. Kellersberger, Brian J. Stall, Gregory Stephanopoulos, Dafna Bar-Sagi, Jongyoon Han, Joshua D. Rabinowitz, Michael Cima, Robert Langer, and Matthew G. Vander Heiden, “Direct evidence for cancer cell-autonomous extracellular protein catabolism in pancreatic tumors,” Nature Medicine, 23, 235–241 (2017)  link
  16. Bumjoo Kim, Siwon Choi, Sang V. Pham, Rhokyun Kwak, and Jongyoon Han, “Energy Efficiency Enhancement of Electromembrane Desalination Systems by Local Flow Redistribution Optimized for the Asymmetry of Cation/Anion Diffusivity,” Journal of Membrane Science, 524, 280–287 (2017)  link


  1. Javier L. Prieto, Hao-Wei Su, Han Wei Hou, Miguel Pinilla Vera, Bruce D. Levy, Rebecca M. Baron, Jongyoon Han and  Joel Voldman, “Monitoring sepsis using electrical cell profiling,” Lab on a Chip16, 4333-4340 (2016)   link  
  2. Tengyang Jing, Zhangxing Lai, Lidan Wu, Jongyoon Han, Chwee Teck Lim, Chia-Hung Chen, “Single Cell Analysis of Leukocyte Protease Activity using Integrated Continuous-Flow Microfluidics,” Analytical Chemistry, 88(23), pp 11750–11757 (2016)  link
  3. Wei Ouyang, Sung Hee Ko, Di Wu, Annie Wang, Paul Parone, William Hancock, Jongyoon Han, “Rapid Assessment of Therapeutic Proteins Using Molecular Charge Modulation Enhanced Electrokinetic Concentration Assays,” Analytical Chemistry, 88(19), 9669–9677 (2016). link
  4. Bumjoo Kim, Rhokyun Kwak, Hyukjin J. Kwon, Van Sang Pham, Minseok Kim, Bader Al-Anzi, Geunbae Lim, and Jongyoon Han, “Purification of High Salinity Brine by Multi-Stage Ion Concentration Polarization Desalination,” Scientific Reports, 6, 31850 (2016).   link
  5. Bee Luan Khoo, Gianluca Grenci, Tengyang Jing, Ying Bena Lim, Soo Chin Lee, Jean Paul Thiery, Jongyoon Han and Chwee Teck Lim, “Lipid biopsy and therapeutic response: Circulating tumor cell cultures for evaluation of anticancer treatment,” Science Advances, 2(7), e1600274, (2016)  link
  6. R. Kwak, V.S. Pham, B. Kim, L. Chen, and J. Han, “Enhanced Salt Removal by Unipolar Ion Conduction in Ion Concentration Polarization Desalination,” Scientific Reports6, 25349 (2016).   link
  7. Yunzhe Lu, Toshihiko Hanada, Yuko Fujiwara, Jennifer Nwankwo, Adam Wieschhaus,John Hartwig, Sha Huang, Jongyoon Han, and Athar Chishti, “Gene disruption of dematin causes precipitous loss of erythrocyte membrane stability and severe hemolytic anemia,” Blood, (2016)   link
  8. Lihong Liu, Sha Huang, Xiaoying Xu, Jongyoon Han “Study of individual erythrocyte deformability susceptibility to INFeD and ethanol using a microfluidic chip,” Scientific Reports6, 22929 (2016)  link
  9. Aniruddh Sarkar, Han Wei Hou, E. Mahan, Jongyoon Han and Galit Alter, “Multiplexed Affinity-Based Separation of Proteins and Cells Using Inertial Microfluidics,” Scientific Reports, 6, 23589 (2016)  link
  10. Sang V. Pham, Hyuckjin Kwon, Bumjoo Kim,  Jacob K. White, Geunbae Lim, Jongyoon Han, “Helical Vortex Formation in Three-dimensional Electrochemical Systems with Ion Selective Membranes,” Physical Review E93, 033114 (2016)   link
  11. Han Wei Hou, Lidan Wu, Diana P. Amador-Munoz , Miguel Pinilla Vera, Anna Coronata, Joshua A. Englert, Bruce D. Levy, Rebecca M. Baron and Jongyoon Han, “Broad spectrum immunomodulation using biomimetic blood cell margination for sepsis therapy,” Lab on a Chip, 16, 688-699 (2016)   link
  12. Xi Wei, Abeer Syed, Pan Mao, Jongyoon Han, Yong-Ak Song, “Creating Sub-50 Nm Nanofluidic Junctions in PDMS Microfluidic Chip via Self-Assembly Process of Colloidal Particles,” Journal of Visualized Experiments (JOVE), 109, e54145, doi:10.3791/54145 (2016).  link
  13. Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani, Bee Luan Khoo, Lidan Wu, Andy Kah Ping Tay, Ali Asgar. S. Bhagat, Jongyoon Han and Chwee Teck Lim, “Ultra-fast, label-free isolation of circulating tumor cells from blood using spiral microfluidics,” Nature Protocols, 11(1), 134-148 (2016)   link


  1. Ximei Huang, Sha Huang, Lai Chun Ong, Jason Chu-Shern Lim, Rebecca Joan Mary Hurst, Annals Tatenda Mushunje, Paul Thomas Matsudaira, Jongyoon Han, Peter Rainer Preiser, “Differential Spleen Remodeling Associated with Different Levels of Parasite Virulence Controls Disease Outcome in Malaria Parasite Infections,” mSphere, 1(1) e00018-15 (2015)  link
  2. Sergey Mikhaylin, Victor Nikonenko, Natalia Pismenskaya, Gérald Pourcelly, Siwon Choi, Hyukjin Jean Kwon, Jongyoon Han, Laurent Bazinet, “How physico-chemical and surface properties of cation-exchange membrane affect membrane scaling and electroconvective vortices: Influence on performance of electrodialysis with pulsed electric field,” Desalination, 393, 102-114 (2015)  link
  3. C. P. Lim, J. Han, Y. C. Lam, “Chaos analysis of viscoelastic chaotic flows of polymeric fluids in a micro-channel,” AIP Advances, 5(7), 077150 (2015)   link
  4. Tian Fook Kong, Weijian Ye, Weng Kung Peng, Han Wei Hou, Marcos, Peter Rainer Preiser, Nam-Trung Nguyen, Jongyoon Han, “Enhancing malaria diagnosis through microfluidic cell enrichment and magnetic resonance relaxometry detection,” Scientific Reports, 5, 11425 (2015)   link
  5. Christina M. Birch, Han Wei Hou, Jongyoon Han and Jacquin C. Niles, “Identification of malaria parasite-infected red blood cell surface aptamers by inertial microfluidic SELEX (I-SELEX),” Scientific Reports, 5, 11347 (2015)  link
  6. Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani, Andy Kah Ping Tay, Guofeng Guan, and Jongyoon Han, “Membrane-less microfiltration using inertial microfluidics,” Scientific Reports5, 11018 (2015)  link
  7. Han Wei Hou, Roby P. Bhattacharyya, Deborah T. Hung, Jongyoon Han “Direct detection and drug-resistance profiling of bacteremias using inertial microfluidics,” Lab on a Chip15, 2297-2307 (2015)  link
  8. Lidan Wu, Allison M. Claas, Aniruddh Sarkar, Douglas A. Lauffenburger, Jongyoon Han, “High-throughput Protease Activity Cytometry Reveals Dose-dependent Heterogeneity in PMA-mediated ADAM17 Activation,” Integrative Biology, 7, 513 – 524 (2015)  link
  9. Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani, Lidan Wu, Andy Kah Ping Tay, and Jongyoon Han “Large Volume Microfluidic Cell Sorting,” Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 17(1), 1-34 (2015)   link
  10. Roelofs, S. H., Kim, B., Eijkel, J. C., Han, J., van den Berg, A., Odijk, M., “Capacitive deionization on-chip as a method for microfluidic sample preparation,” Lab on a Chip, 15, 1458-1464 (2015)  link
  11. H. Y. Gan, F. B. Sousa, H. L. Carlo, P. P. Maciel, M. S. Macena, J. Han, “Enhanced Transport of Materials into Enamel Nanopores via Electrokinetic Flow,” Journal of Dental Research, 94 (5) 615-621(2015)  link
  12. Sha Huang, Han Wei Hou, Tamir Kanias, Jonas T Sertorio, Huichao Chen, Derek Sinchar, Mark Gladwin, Jongyoon Han, “Towards microfluidic-based depletion of stiff and fragile human red cells that accumulate during blood storage,” Lab on a chip15 (2), 448 – 458 (2015) link
  13. Tengyang Jing, Ramesh Ramji, Majid E. Warkiani, Jongyoon Han, Chwee Teck Lim, Chia-Hung Chen, “Jetting Microfluidics with Size-Sorting Capability for Single-Cell Protease Detection,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics66, 19–23 (2015) link
  14. Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani, Andy Kah Ping Tay, Bee Luan Khoo, Xu Xiaofeng, Chwee Teck Lim and Jongyoon Han, “Malaria detection using inertial microfluidics,” Lab on a Chip, 15, 1101-1109 (2015)  link
  15. Zhiyong Poon, Wong Cheng Lee, Guofeng F. Guan, Lin Myint Nyan, Chwee Teck Lim, Jongyoon Han, Krystyn J. Van Vliet, “Bone Marrow Regeneration Promoted by Biophysically Sorted Osteoprogenitors From Mesenchymal Stromal Cells,” Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 4(1), 56-65 (2015) link


  1. Wong Cheng Lee, Hui Shi, Zhiyong Poon, Lin Myint Nyan, Tanwi Kaushik, G. V. Shivashankar, Jerry K. Y. Chan, Chwee Teck Lim, Jongyoon Han, and Krystyn J. Van Vliet, “Multivariate biophysical markers predictive of mesenchymal stromal cell multipotency,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (42), E4409–E4418 (2014)  link Finding a needle in a haystack by MIT news. Also covered by Asia Research News
  2. A. Syed,L. Mangano,P. Mao,J. Hanand Y.-A. Song, “Creating Sub-50 nm Nanofluidic Junctions in PDMS Microchip via Self-Assembly Process of Colloidal Silica Beads for Electrokinetic Concentration of Biomolecules,” Lab on a Chip, 4 (23), 4455-4460 (2014)  link
  3. W. K. Peng,  T. F. Kong, C. S. Ng, Y. Huang, L. Chen, A. A. S. Bhagat, N.-T. Nguyen, P. R. Preiser, J. Han, “Micro Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry for label-free, rapid malaria diagnosis,” Nature Medicine, 20, 1069-1073 (2014) link S. Karl, I. Mueller, and T.G. St Pierre, Considerations regarding the micromagnetic resonance relaxometry technique for rapid label-free malaria diagnosis. Nature Medicine21(12), 1387 (2015)  link J. Han and W.K. Peng, Reply to “Considerations regarding the micromagnetic resonance relaxometry technique for rapid label-free malaria diagnosis”. Nature Medicine21(12), 1387-1389 (2015)   link A new way to diagnose malaria by MIT news Also covered by ScienceNews,, Bankok Post, Straits Times(Singapore), Medicalxpress,,, Phuket News, News Mobile (India), USANews, Science Daily, International Business Times, Deutschlandfunk (German Public Radio)ChannelNews Asia (Online), ChannelNews Asia (TV), Channel 8 (TV, Chinese), 938LIVE radio, Asia Research News,
  4. Rou Jun Toh, Weng Kung Peng, Jongyoon Han, and Martin Pumera, “Direct in vivo Electrochemical Detection of Haemoglobin in Red Blood Cells,” Scientific Reports, 4, 6209 (2014) link
  5. Lih Feng Cheow, Aniruddh Sarkar, Sarah Kolitz, Douglas Lauffenburger and Jongyoon Han, “Detecting kinase activities from single cells using concentration-enhanced mobility shift assay,” Analytical Chemistry, 86(15), 7455–7462 (2014) link
  6. Bee Luan Khoo, Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani, Daniel Shao-Weng Tan, Ali Asgar S. Bhagat, Darryl Irwin, Dawn Pingxi Lau, Alvin S. T. Lim, Kiat Hon Lim, Sai Sakktee Krisna, Wan-Teck Lim, Yoon Sim Yap, Soo Chin Lee, Ross A. Soo, Jongyoon Han, Chwee Teck Lim, “Clinical Validation of an Ultra High-Throughput Spiral Microfluidics for the Detection and Enrichment of Viable Circulating Tumor Cells,” PLoS ONE, 9(7), e99409 (2014) link (top 10% most cited PLOS ONE articles)
  7. V. V. Nikonenko, A. V. Kovalenko, M. K. Urtenov, N. D. Pismenskaya, J. Han, P. Sistat, G. Pourcelly, “Desalination at overlimiting currents: State-of-the-art and perspectives”, Desalination 342, 85-106 (2014) link
  8. Aniruddh Sarkar, Sarah Kolitz, Douglas A. Lauffenburger, Jongyoon Han, “Microfluidic probe for single-cell analysis in adherent tissue culture,” Nature Communications, 5, 3421 (2014) link
  9. M. E. Warkiani, B. L. Khoo, D. S. W. Tan, A. A. S. Bhagat, W. T. Lim, Y. S. Yap, S. C. Lee, R. A. Soo, J. Han, C. T. Lim, “An ultra-high throughput spiral microfluidic biochip for the enrichment of circulating tumor cells,” Analyst, 139(13), 3245 (2014) link
  10. Sha Huang, Anburaj Amaladoss, Min Liu, Huichao Chen, Rou Zhang, Peter R. Preiser, Ming Dao and Jongyoon Han, In Vivo Splenic Clearance Correlates with In Vitro Deformability of Red Blood Cells from Plasmodium yoelii-Infected Mice, Infection and Immunity, 82(6), 2532 (2014) link
  11. Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani, Guofeng Guan, Khoo Bee Luan, Wong Cheng Lee, Ali Asgar S. Bhagat, Parthiv Kant Chaudhuri, Daniel Shao-Weng Tan, Wan Teck Lim, Soo Chin Lee, Peter C. Y. Chen, Chwee Teck Lim, and Jongyoon Han, “Slanted spiral microfluidics for the ultra-fast, label-free isolation of circulating tumor cells,” Lab on a Chip, 14, 128-137 (2014) link

  12. Rou Jun Toh, Peng Weng Kung, Jongyoon Han, and Martin Pumera, “Haemoglobin electrochemical detection on various reduced graphene surfaces: well-defined glassy carbon electrode outperforms the graphenoids”, RSC Advances, 4(16), 8050-8054 (2014) link


  1. Y.-A. Song, L. Wu, S. Tannenbaum, J. Wishnok, J. Han, “Tunable Membranes for Free-Flow Zone Electrophoresis in PDMS Microchip using Guided Self-Assembly of Silica Microbeads,” Analytical Chemistry, 85(24), 11695–11699 (2013) link
  2. Leon D. Li, Thomas Crouzier, Aniruddh Sarkar, Laura Dunphy, Jongyoon Han, and Katharina Ribbec, “Spatial Configuration and Composition of Charge Modulates Transport into a Mucin Hydrogel Barrier,” Biophysical Journal105, 1–9 (2013) link
  3. Miles A. Miller, Aaron S. Meyer, Michael T. Beste, Zainab Lasisi, Sonika Reddy, Karen W. Jeng, Chia-Hung Chen, Jongyoon Han, Keith Isaacson, Linda G. Griffith, and Douglas A. Lauffenburger, “ADAM-10 and -17 regulate endometriotic cell migration via concerted ligand and receptor shedding feedback on kinase signaling,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(22), E2074–E2083 (2013) link
  4. Y.-A. Song, A. Ibrahim, A. Rabie, J. Han, and S. J. Lin, “Microfabricated Nerve-Electrode Interfaces in Neural Prosthetics and Neural Engineering,” Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, 29(2), 113-134 (2013) link

  5. Guofeng Guan,Lidan Wu,Ali Asgar Bhagat,Zirui Li,Peter C Y Chen,Shuzhe Chao,Chong Jin Ong and Jongyoon Han, “Spiral microchannel with rectangular and trapezoidal cross-sections for size based particle separation,” Scientific Reports3, 1475 (2013) link

  6. Rhokyun Kwak, Van Sang Pham, Kian Meng Lim, and Jongyoon Han, “Shear flow of an electrically charged fluid by ion concentration polarization: Scaling laws for convection vortices,” Physical Review Letters, 110, 114501 (2013) link
  7. Han Wei Hou, Majid Ebrahimi Warkiani*, Bee Luan Khoo*, Zi Rui Li, Ross A. Soo, Daniel Shao-Weng Tan, Wan-Teck Lim, Jongyoon Han, Ali Asgar. S. Bhagat, Chwee Teck Lim, “Isolation and retrieval of circulating tumor cells using centrifugal forces,”  Scientific Reports, 3, 1259 (2013) link (*equal contribution as co-second authors)
  8. Bumjoo Kim, Joonseong Heo, Hyukjin Kwon, Seong Cho, Jongyoon Han, Sung Jae Kim* and Geunbae Lim*, “Tunable Ionic Transport for a Triangular Nanochannel in a Polymeric Nanofluidic System,” ACS Nano, 7(1), 740-747 (2013) link (* equally contributed corresponding authors)
  9. Sha Huang, Andreas Undisz, Monica Diez Silva, Hansen Bow, Ming Dao, and Jongyoon Han, “Dynamic deformability of Plasmodium falciparum– infected erythrocytes exposed to artesunate in vitro,Integrative Biology, 5(2), 414-422 (2013) link
  10. Rhokyun Kwak, Guofeng Guan, Weng Kung Peng, and Jongyoon Han, ” Microscale Electrodialysis: Concentration Profiling and Vortex Visualization,” Desalination, 308, 138–146  (2013) link


  1. A Ibrahim, T. Gerstle, A. N. Rabie, Y.-A. Song, R. Melik, J. Han, S. J. Lin, “Nanotechnology in Plastic Surgery,” Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery130, 879e-887e (2012) link
  2. Chia-Hung Chen, Miles Miller, Aniruddh Sarkar, Michael Beste, Keith Isaacson, Douglas Lauffenburger, Linda Griffith, and Jongyoon Han, “Multiplexed Protease Activity Assay for Low Volume Clinical Samples Using Droplet Based Microfluidics and Its Application to Endometriosis,” Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), 135(5), 1645-1648 (2012) link
  3. Lidan Wu, Guofeng Guan, Hanwei Hou, Ali Asgar Bhagat and Jongyoon Han, “Separation of Leukocytes From Blood Using Spiral Channel With Trapezoid Cross-section,” Analytical Chemistry, 84(21), 9324–9331 (2012) link
  4. Sung Jae Kim*, Sung Hee Ko*, Rhokyun Kwak, Jonathan D. Posner, Kwan Hyoung Kang and Jongyoon Han, “Multi-Vortical Flow Inducing Electrokinetic Instability in Ion Concentration Polarization Layer,” Nanoscale, 4(23), 7406-7410 (2012) link  (* equally contributed authors)
  5. Monica Diez-Silva, YongKeun Park, Sha Huang, Hansen Bow, Odile Mercereau-Puijalon, Guillaume Deplaine, Catherine Lavazec, Sylvie Perrot, Serge Bonnefoy, Michael S. Feld, Jongyoon Han, Ming Dao & Subra Suresh, “Pf155/RESA protein influences the dynamic microcirculatory behavior of ring-stage Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells,” Scientific Reports2, 614 (2012) link
  6. Weng Kung Peng, Lan Chen, and Jongyoon Han, “Development of miniaturized, portable Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry System for Point-of-Care Medical Diagnosis,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(9), 095115 (2012) link
  7. Guofeng Guan, Chao Yu Peter Chen, Weng Kung Peng, Ali Asgar Bhagat, Chong Jin Ong, and Jongyoon Han, “Real-time control of a microfluidic channel for size-independent deformability cytometry,”  Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22(10), 105037 (2012) link
  8. Lih Feng Cheow, Hansen Bow, and Jongyoon Han, “Continuous-Flow Biomolecule Concentration and Detection in a Slanted Nanofilter Array,” Lab on a Chip, 12(21), 4441-4448 (2012) link
  9. Sung Hee Ko*, Yong-Ak Song*, Sung Jae Kim, Kwan Hyoung Kang** and Jongyoon Han**, “Nanofluidic Preconcentration Device in a Straight Microchannel Using Ion Concentration Polarization,” Lab on a Chip12(21), 4472-4482 (2012) link (*: equally contributed authors, **: equally contributed corresponding authors)
  10. Sang Van Pham, Zirui Li, Kian Meng Lim, Jacob K White and Jongyoon Han, “Direct numerical simulation of electroconvective instability and hysteretic current-voltage response of permselective membrane”, Physical Review E, 86, 046310 (2012) link
  11. Li D. L., Lieleg O., Jang S., Ribbeck K., and Han J., “Microfludic In Vitro System for Quantitative Study of Stomach Mucus Barrier Function,” Lab on a Chip, 12(20), 4017-4079 (2012) link (selected as a Lap on a Chip Top 10%, 9/5/2012)
  12. Han Wei Hou, Hiong Yap Gan, Ali Asgar S. Bhagat, Leon D. Li, Chwee Teck Lim, and Jongyoon Han ,”A Microfluidics Approach Towards High-Throughput Pathogen Removal From Blood”, Biomicrofluidics, 6, 024115 (2012) link Microfluidic device designed to cleanse blood by Gizmag
  13. Kong TF, Peng WK, Luong TD, Nguyen N-T, Han J. “Adhesive-based liquid metal radio-frequency microcoil for magnetic resonance relaxometry measurement,” Lab on a Chip, 12, 287–294 (2012) link


  1. Yong-Ak Song, Rohat Melik, Amr N. Rabie, Ahmed M. S. Ibrahim, David Moses, Ara Tan, Jongyoon Han & Samuel J. Lin, “Electrochemical activation and inhibition of neuromuscular systems through modulation of ion concentrations with ion-selective membranes,” Nature Materials, 10, 980–986 (2011) link Charging toward better neural implants by MIT news Put Nerves Under Ion Control, and Activation Is Yours by Alzheimer Research Forum Dismissing gatekeepers for enhanced nerve control by RSC Chemistry World Improved method of electrical stimulation could help treat damaged nerves by

  2. Rhokyun Kwak, Sung Jae Kim and Jongyoon Han, “Continuous-flow Biomolecule and Cell Concentrator by Ion Concentration Polarization,” Analytical Chemistry, 83, 7348-7355 (2011) link
  3. Lih Feng Cheow and Jongyoon Han, “Continuous Signal Enhancement for Sensitive Aptamer Affinity Probe Electrophoresis Assay Using Electrokinetic Concentration,” Analytical Chemistry, 83(18), 7086-7093 (2011) link
  4. Han Wei Hou, Ali Asgar Saleem Bhagat, Wong Cheng Lee, Sha Huang, Jongyoon Han, Chwee Teck Lim, ” Microfluidic devices for blood fractionation,” Micromachines, 2(3), 319-43 (2011) link
  5. Chia-Hung Chen, Aniruddh Sakar, Yong-Ak Song, Miles A. Miller, Sung Jae Kim, Linda G. Griffith, Douglas A. Lauffenburger and Jongyoon Han, “Enhancing Protease Activity Assay in Droplet-Based Microfluidics Using a Biomolecule Concentrator,” Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), 133, 10368-10371, (2011) link
  6. Aniruddh Sarkar and Jongyoon Han, “Non-Linear and Linear Enhancement of Enzymatic Reaction Kinetics using a Biomolecule Concentrator,” Lab on a Chip, 11(15), 2569-2576 (2011) link
  7. Ali Asgar. S. Bhagat, Han Wei Hou, Leon D Li, Chwee Teck Lim and Jongyoon Hna, ” Pinched flow coupled shear-modulated inertial microfluidics for high-throughput rare blood cell separation,” Lab on a Chip, 11(11), 1870-1878 (2011) link
  8. Sung Hee Ko*, Sung Jae Kim*, Lih Feng Cheow, Leon D. Li, Kwan Hyoung Kang** and Jongyoon Han**, “Massive-Parallel Concentration Device for Multiplexed Immonoassays,” Lab on a Chip, 11(7), 1351-1358 (2011) link (*: equally contributed authors, **: co-corresponding authors)
  9. Wong Cheng Lee,  Ali Asgar. S. Bhagat,  Huang Sha,  Krystyn J. Van Vliet,  Jongyoon Han*,  Chwee Teck Lim*, “High-throughput cell cycle synchronization using inertial forces in spiral microchannels,” Lab on a Chip, 11(7), 1359-1367 (2011) link (*: equally contributed corresponding authors)
  10. Bow, H., Pivkin, I., Diez-Silva, M., Goldfless, S.J., Dao, M., Niles, J.C., Suresh, S. & Han, J. “A microfabricated deformability-based flow cytometer with application to malaria,” Lab on a Chip, 11(6), 1065-1073 (2011) link
  11. Li, Z. R., G. R. Liu, N. G. Hadjiconstantinou, J. Han, J. S. Wang, and Y. Z. Chen. 2010. “Dispersive Transport of Biomolecules in Periodic Energy Landscapes with application to Nanofilter Sieving Arrays,” Electrophoresis, 32, 506-517 (2011) link
  12. Dextras, P., Payer, K.R., Burg, T.P., Shen, W., Wang, Y.-C., Han, J. & Manalis, S.R. “Fabrication and Characterization of an Integrated Microsystem for Protein Preconcentration and Sensing,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 20(1) 221-230 (2011) link


  1. Jun Young Kim, Jonathan P. DeRocher, Pan Mao, Jongyoon Han, Robert E. Cohen and Michael F. Rubner, “Formation of Nanoparticle-Containing Multilayers in Nanochannels via Layer-by-Layer Assembly,” Chemistry of Materials, 22, 6409-6415 (2010) link
  2. Jeong Hoon Lee and Jongyoon Han, “Concentration-Enhanced Rapid Detection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin as a Tumor Marker Using a Nanofluidic Preconcentrator,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics9, 973-979 (2010) link
  3. Han Wei Hou, Ali Asgar S. Bhagat, Alvin Guo Lin Chong, Pan Mao, Kevin Shyong Wei Tan, Jongyoon Han and Chwee Teck Lim, “Deformability based cell margination – A simple microfluidic design for malaria infected erythrocyte separation,” Lab on a Chip, 10, 2605-2613 (2010) link
  4. M. Diez-Silva, M. Dao, J. Han, C.-T. Lim, and S. Suresh, “Shape and Biomechanical Characteristics of Human Red Blood Cells in Health and Disease,” MRS Bulletin, 35(5), 382-388 (2010) PMCID: PMC2998922
  5. Ali Asgar S. Bhagat, Hansen Bow, Han Wei Hou, Swee Jin Tan, Chwee Teck Lim, Jongyoon Han, “Microfluidics for Cell Separation,” Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 48, 999-1014 (2010) link
  6. Sung Jae Kim, Sung Hee Ko, Kwan Hyoung Kang and Jongyoon Han, “Direct Seawater Desalination by Ion Concentration Polarization,” Nature Nanotechnology5, 297-301 (2010) link  NOTE: An official corrigendum has been published to correct errors in the original paper, which should be cited along with the original publication (Sung Jae Kim, Sung Hee Ko, Kwan Hyoung Kang, and Jongyoon Han, “Direct Seawater Desalination by Ion Concentration Polarization (corrigendum),” Nature Nanotechnology, 8, 609 (2013)) Featured in News and Views in Nature Nanotechnology, “Water Desalination: Fresh for Less” by Mark A. Shannon link

    This paper was featured in front page of Nature (03/22/2010) and MIT (03/23/2010)

     MIT_homepage_20100323 Nature_homepage_20100322

    A system that’s worth its salt by MIT news Purifying the sea one drop at a time by Nature Nano-Gadget Holds the Salt by Science Drinking water from sunlight and seawater by Chemistry World Device to convert seawater offers hope to parched lands by Nanodevice run from battery could help to desalinate seawater in disaster zones by OneIndia Tiny New Desalination Chip Revealed by Nanotechnology makes portable seawater desalination device possible by Device to convert seawater offers hope to parched lands by Desalination Now Becomes Handy by Researchers develop desal on a chip by ABCScience Tiny gadget strips salt from seawater by The Water: Battery-power desalination offers hope to parched areas by Battery-power desalination device offers hope to parched areas by The Daily New Microfluidic Device Can Remove Salt from Seawater by Nanodevice run from battery could help to desalinate seawater in disaster zones by Water: Battery-power desalination offers hope to parched areas by Water: Battery-power desalination offers hope to parched areas by Nanotech desalination gives hope to the parched by Taipei Times New nano desalination device by Straits Times, etc

  7. Lih Feng Cheow, Sung Hee Ko, Sung Jae Kim, Kwan Hyoung Kang and Jongyoon Han, “Increase of Sensitivity of ELISA using Multiplexed Electrokinetic Preconcentrator,” Analytical Chemistry, 82(8), 3383-3388 (2010) link
  8. Vincent Liu, Yong Ak Song, and Jongyoon Han, “Capillary-valve-based fabrication of ion-selective membrane junction for electrokinetic sample preconcentration in PDMS chip,” Lab on a Chip10, 1485-1490 (2010) link  PMCID: PMC2926974
  9. Jonathan P. DeRocher*, Pan Mao*, Jongyoon Han, Michael F. Rubner and Robert E. Cohen, “Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Polyelectrolytes in Nanofluidic Devices,” Macromolecules43(5), 2430-2437 (2010) (*:equally contributed authors) link
  10. Y.-A. Song, M. Chan, C. Celio, S. Tannenbaum, J. Wishnok, J. Han, ” Free-Flow Zone Electrophoresis of Peptides and Proteins in PDMS Microchip for Narrow pI Range Sample Prefractionation Coupled with Mass Spectrometry,” Analytical Chemistry82, 2317-2325 (2010) link  PMCID: PMC2837796 Unknown
  11. Kim, P.*, Kim S.J.*, Suh, K.-Y.**, Han J.**, “Stabilization of Ion Concentration Polarization Using a Heterogeneous Nanoporous Junction”, Nano Letters, 10, 16-23 (2010) (*: equally contributed authors, **: equally contributed corresponding authors) link  PMCID: PMC2806642
  12. Kim S.J., Song Y.A., Han J., “Nanofluidic Concentration Device for Biomolecules Utilizing Ion Concentration Polarization: Theory, Fabrication, and Applications,” Chemical Society Reviews39, 912-922 (2010) link  PMCID: PMC2929016


  1. Zi Rui Li, Gui Rong Liu, Jongyoon Han, Yuan Cheng, Yu Zong Chen, Jian-Sheng Wang, and Nicolas G. Hadjiconstantinou, “Analytical description of Ogston-regime biomolecule separation using nanofilters and nanopores,” Physical Review E80, 041911 (2009) link
  2. Fu J., Mao P., Han J., “Continuous-flow bioseparation using microfabricated anisotropic nanofluidic sieving structures,” Nature Protocols, 4, 1681 – 1698 (2009) link   PMCID: PMC2896887
  3. Yamada M., Mao P., Fu J., Han J., “Rapid Quantification of Disease-Marker Proteins Using Continuous-Flow Immunoseparation in a Nanosieve Fluidic Device,” Analytical Chemistry, 81, 7067–7074 (2009) link  PMCID: PMC2846189
  4. Lee, J.H., Cosgrove B., Lauffenburger A.D., Han J., “Microfluidic concentration-enhanced cellular kinase activity assay,” Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS)131, 10340–10341 (2009) link  PMCID: PMC2739094
  5. Kim S.J., Li L., Han J., ” Amplified Electrokinetic Response by Concentration Polarization near Nanofluidic Channel,” Langmuir, 25(13), 7759–7765 (2009)  link  PMCID: PMC2706657
  6. Mao P. and Han J., “Massively-Parallel Ultra-High-Aspect-Ratio Nanochannels as Mesoporous Membranes,” Lab on a Chip, 9, 586–591 (2009)  link  PMCID: PMC2743686
  7. Wang R, Wang J.S., Liu G.R., Han J., Chen Y.Z.,  “Simulation of DNA Electrophoresis in Systems of Large Number of Solvent Particles by Coarse-Grained Hybrid Molecular Dynamics Approach,” Journal of Computational Chemistry, 30(4): 505-513  (2009) link
  8. Z.R., Liu G.R., Han J., Chen Y.Z., Wang J.H., Hadjiconstantinou N.G., “Transport of biomolecules in asymmetric nanofilter arrays,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 394, 427-435 (2009) link


  1. Duong-Hong D., Han J., Wang J.S., Hadjiconstantinou N.G., Chen Y.Z., Liu G.R., “Realistic Simulations of Combined DNA Electrophoretic and Electroosmotic Flows in Nano-Fluidic Devices,” Electrophoresis, 29, 4880-4886 (2008)  link
  2. Bow H., Fu J., Han J., “Decreasing effective nanofilter size by modulating electrical double layers: Separation enhancement in microfabricated nanofilters,” Electrophoresis, 29, 1-6 (2008) link
  3. Fu J., Mao P., and Han J., “Artificial molecular sieves and filters: a new paradigm for biomolecule separatio,” Trends in Biotechnology, 26(6), 311-320 (2008) link
  4. Schoch, R. B., Han, J., Renaud, P. “Transport phenomena in nanofluidics,” Reviews of Modern Physics, 80, 839-883 (2008)  link
  5. Song, Y.-A., Batista, C., Sarpeshkar, R., Han, J., “Rapid fabrication of microfluidic polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell in PDMS by surface patterning of perfluorinated ion-exchange resin”, Journal of Power Sources 183, 674–677 (2008)  link
  6. Sung Jae Kim, Jongyoon Han, “Self-Sealed Vertical Polymeric Nanoporous-Junctions for High-Throughput Nanofluidic Applications,” Analytical Chemistry, 80, 3507-3511 (2008) link  PMCID: PMC2750818
  7. Zi Rui Li, Z.R., Gui Rong Liu, Yu Zong Chen, Jian-Sheng Wang, Hansen Bow, Yuan Cheng, Jongyoon Han, “Continuum Transport Model of Ogston Sieving in Patterned Nanofilter Arrays for Rod-like Biomolecule Separation,” Electrophoresis29, 329–339 (2008) link
  8. Lee, J. H.; Song, Y.-A; Tannenbaum, S., Han, J. “Increase of Reaction Rate and Sensitivity of Low-Abundance Enzyme Assay using Micro/Nanofluidic Preconcentration Chip,” Analytical Chemistry, 80, 3198-3204 (2008)  link  PMCID: PMC2751807
  9. Chung S., Lee J. H., Moon M-W., Han J, Kamm R. D. “Non-lithographic wrinkle nanochannels for protein preconcentration,” Advanced Materials, 20, 3011–3016 (2008) link
  10. Lee J. H*.; Song Y.-A.*; Han J. “Multiplexed Proteomic Sample Preconcentration Device Using Surface-Patterned Ion-Selective Membrane,” Lab on a Chip, 8, 596–601 (2008) (* These authors contributed equally to this work)  link  PMCID: PMC2394188
  11. Han J., Fu J., and Schoch R.B., “Molecular Sieving Using Nanofilters: Past, Present and Future,” Lab on a Chip, 8, 23–33 (2008) link  PMCID: PMC2365755
  12. Wang YC, and Han J, “Pre-binding dynamic range and sensitivity enhancement for immuno-sensors using nanofluidic preconcentrator,” Lab on a Chip, 8, 392–394 (2008) link  PMCID: PMC2440809



  1. Schoch, R.B., Cheow, L.F., and Han, J., “Electrical Detection of Fast Reaction Kinetics in Nanochannels with an Induced Flow,” Nano Letters, 7(12), 3895-3900 (2007)  link   PMCID: PMC2547117
  2. Lee, J. H., Chung, S., Kim, S. J. & Han, J. “Novel PDMS based protein preconcentration using a nanogap generated by junction gap breakdown,” Analytical Chemistry, 79, 6868 -6873 (2007) link  PMCID: PMC2590669
  3. Kim, S. J.*, Wang, Y.-C.*, Lee, J. H., Jang, H. & Han, J. “Concentration polarization and nonlinear electrokinetic flow near a nanofluidic channel,” Physical Review Letters, 99, 044501 (2007) (* equal contribution)  link  PMCID: PMC2504030
  4. Duong-Hong, D., Wang, J.-S., Liu, G. R., Chen, Y. Z., Han, J., Hadjiconstantinou, N. G. “Dissipative particle dynamics simulations of electroosmotic flow in nano-fluidic devices,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics4, 219–225 (2007)  link
  5. Shim H-W, Lee J-H, Hwang T-S, Rhee YW, Bae YM, Choi JS, Han J, Lee C-S., “Patterning of proteins and cells on functionalized surfaces prepared by polyelectrolyte multilayers and micromolding in capillaries,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 22, 3188–3195 (2007)  link
  6. Fu, J.*, Schoch, R. B.*, Stevens, A. L., Tannenbaum, S. R. & Han, J. “A patterned anisotropic nanofluidic sieving structure for continuous-flow separation of DNA and proteins,” Nature Nanotechnology, 2, 121-128 (2007)  (* equal contribution) link  PMCID: PMC2621439 Also featured in commentary by R. Austin, “Nanofluidics: a fork in the nano-road,” Nature Nanotechnology, 2, 79-80 (2007)  link


  1. Kim, S. J., Song, Y.-A., Skipper, P. L. & Han, J. “Electrohydrodynamic generation and delivery of monodisperse pico-liter droplets using the PDMS microchip,” Analytical Chemistry, 78, 8011-8019 (2006) link  PMCID: PMC2577391
  2. Balducci, A., Mao, P., Han, J. & Doyle, P. S.”Double-stranded DNA diffusion in slitlike nanochannels,” Macromolecules, 39, 6273-6281 (2006) link
  3. Fu, J., Yoo, J. & Han, J. “Molecular sieving in periodic free-energy landscapes created by patterned nanofilter arrays,” Physical Review Letters, 97, 018103 (2006)  link  PMCID: PMC1752241
  4. Song, Y.-A., Hsu, S., Stevens, A. & Han, J. “Continuous-flow pI-based sorting of proteins and peptides in a microfluidic chip using diffusion potential,” Analytical Chemistry, 78, 3528-3536 (2006)  link


  1. Fu, J., Mao, P. & Han, J. “A nanofilter array chip for fast gel-free biomolecule separation,” Applied Physics Letters, 87, 263902 (2005)  link  PMCID: PMC2564606
  2. Mao, P. & Han, J. “Fabrication and characterization of 20 nm nanofluidic channels by glass-glass and glass-silicon bonding,” Lab on a Chip,  5, 837-844 (2005)  link
  3. Wang, Y.-C., Stevens, A. & Han, J. “Million-fold preconcentration of proteins and peptides by nanofluidic filter,” Analytical Chemistry, 77, 4293-4299 (2005)  link


  4. Wang, Y.-C., Choi, M. H. & Han, J. “Two-dimensional protein separation with advanced sample and buffer isolation using microfluidic valves,” Analytical Chemistry, 76, 4426-4431 (2004) link

Earlier non-MIT publications

  1. Han, J. & Singh, A. K. “Rapid protein separations in ultra-short microchannels: microchip sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing,” Journal of Chromatrography A 1049, 205-209 (2004)  link
  2. Han, J. & Craighead, H. G. “Characterization and optimization of an entropic trap for DNA separation,” Analytical Chemistry, 74, 394-401 (2002)  link
  3. Han, J. & Craighead, H. G. “Separation of long DNA molecules in a microfabricated entropic trap array,” Science, 288, 1026-1029 (2000)  link
  4. Chou, C.-F., Austin, R. H., Bakajin, O., Tegenfeldt, J. O., Castelino, J. A., Chan, S. S., Cox, E. C., Craighead, H. G., Darnton, N., Duke, T., Han, J. & Turner S. “Sorting biomolecules with microdevices,” Electrophoresis 21, 81-90 (2000)  link
  5. Han, J., Turner, S. W. & Craighead, H. G. “Entropic trapping and escape of long DNA molecules at submicron size constriction,” Physical Review Letters 83, 1688-1691 (1999)  link
  6. Han, J. & Craighead, H. G. “Entropic trapping and sieving of long DNA molecules in a nanofluidic channel,” Journal of Vacuum Science Technology A 17, 2142-2147 (1999)  link
  7. Hill, S. B., Haich, C. A., Dunning, F. B., Walters, G. K., McClelland, J. J., Celotta, R. J., Craighead, H. G., Han, J. & Tanenbaum, D. M. “Patterning of octadecylsiloxane self-assembled monolayers on Si(100) using Ar(P-3(0,2)) atoms,” Journal of Vacuum Science Technology B 17, 1087-1089 (1999)
  8. Han, J., Kuk, Y. & Jeon, D. “Surface crystalline gold silicide formation on the Au(100) surface,” Surface Science 376, 237-244 (1997)  link