6.021J Quantitative Physiology: Cells and Tissues
(Subject meets with 2.791J, 2.794J, 6.521J, BEH.370J, BEH.470J, HST.541J)
Prereq.: 2.003 or 6.002 or 6.071 or 10.301; 8.02, 18.03
Units: 5-2-5
Principles of mass transport and electrical signal generation for biological membranes, cells, and tissues. Mass transport through membranes: diffusion, osmosis, chemically mediated, and active transport. Electric properties of cells: ion transport; equilibrium, resting, and action potentials. Kinetic and molecular properties of single voltage-gated ion channels. Laboratory and computer exercises illustrate the concepts. For juniors and seniors. Students engage in extensive written and oral communication exercises. Meets with graduate subject 6.521J, but assignments differ. 4 Engineering Design Points.
D. M. Freeman, J. Han
20.330 Fields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems
(Same subject as 2.793J, 6.023J)
Prereq: 6.021, BE.320 or comparable preparation in transport with permission of instructor
Units: (Spring) 5-0-7
Introduction to electric fields, fluid flows, transport phenomena and their application to biosystems. Flux and continuity laws; Maxwell’s equations; electro-quasistatics; electro-chemical-mechanical driving forces; conservation of mass and momentum; Navier-Stokes flows; electrokinetics. Applications include biomolecular transport in tissues, electrophoresis, microfluidics.
J. Han, R. Kamm