News – Beeluan’s paper

Beeluan’s paper “Clinical Validation of an Ultra High-Throughput Spiral Microfluidics for the Detection and Enrichment of Viable Circulating Tumor Cells” is among the top 10% most cited PLOS ONE articles!

Siwon’s Paper

Siwon’s paper “Integrated Pretreatment and Desalination by Electrocoagulation (EC) – Ion Concentration Polarization (ICP) Hybrid” has been highlighted on the Lab on a Chip blog and received the honor of being “Recent hot articles (top...

Defense Announcement

Siwon Chloe Choi is defending! Please join the defense to cheer her on! Title: Microfluidic Engineering of Water Purification Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 Time: 10am Location: 36-428 (Haus Room)